Wednesday 3 April 2019

Thrills of a Lagos Babe (Episode 7)

God! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that Tina would offer herself for money.
I faced her squarely. 'Tina, if you do it, you and I will not be good friends again,' I threatened.
She frowned slightly. 'Oh, come on, Simi. This is hotel business and one of the services we're to provide is this kind of thing. Surely, I've done nothing wrong. Madam should be happy to hear what I want to do. What if I had told the man that we didn't do that kind of thing, and he left us for another hotel? Are we supposed to be losing customers or to be gaining them?'
I was too stunned to say anything further on the matter. When it was ten thirty, I closed for the day and left the hotel, leaving Tina behind. I was still mad at her. How could she bring herself so low? I lay on my cold bed and thought things over again. But, why was I feeling so angry with her? I asked myself. Tina had been in this business before you dreamt of coming to Lagos. She most likely was involved in this 'runs’ business before now. Why then was I trying to subvert her will and determination?
Was it not better that I let her live her life the way she wanted to live it? I suddenly shrugged. It was her life, I decided. Let her live it the way she liked and desired. The following day, I greeted Tina normally. I had decided that I would not broach on the issue of the 'special guest' again.
'Hello, Simi baby,' she greeted me in excitement. 'How was your night?' I smiled briefly. 'My night was fine.' I nearly asked her how her night was, but I stopped myself on time. She followed me to my office. I put my handbag on the table and sat on the swivel chair.
Tina opened the bag and dropped some folded five hundred notes there.
'What's that?' I asked.
'Buy a special lunch for yourself.'
I quickly dipped my hand in the bag to remove the money. 'I can't accept it, Tina. I'm sorry.'
'You didn't ask for anything,' she said. 'I decided to give it to you, for the reason that you're my friend. Simi, are you not my friend again? Are we quarreling?'
'We're not quarreling,' I explained. 'But ...'
'Take it, Simi darling,' she said plaintively. 
I held the money but still hesitated.
She smiled again and came to rub my shoulders.
'Okay,' I said. 'Thank you.'
'Oh, it's nothing.'
That evening at the close of work, Tina and I went to my room to pass the night.
'Has that your boyfriend called you?' she asked as soon as we stepped inside the room.
'No,' I replied.
'I told you he would not likely continue with the relationship.'
I nodded. 'No problem. I'll move on with my life.'
She patted my shoulder. 'My dear, indeed, the best thing is to move on. Don’t worry, there’re great guys here in Lagos. Sooner than you think, you’ll have them fawning over you. You’re very beautiful, my dear.'
What she said reminded me of what Mrs. Shitta told me in Ibadan. I knew they were quite correct. It was not that guys had been scarce in approaching me. I was the one that lacked the interest and gave them the cold shoulders. But as Tina had suggested, I would have to change that attitude.
I nodded. We changed from our working clothes to casuals and lay in bed. Our play resumed and that made me forget all about Daniel or any guy. Who needed over-bearing men when there was a viable and better alternative to deriving pleasure?
The following morning, we left together for our working place. Later that evening, Tina told me our ‘special guest’ sought her companionship for the night again.
I sighed. ‘You want to do it with him again?’ I asked, though I knew it was an unnecessary question.
‘Yes,’ she replied promptly. ‘As long as he’s paying for it.’
‘I hope he’s using protection.’
Tina grinned. ‘Sure. I’m not a novice in this thing.’
That night, I had to sleep alone again.
In the weeks to come, I could see that Tina was deep in this ‘runs’ things. She had already established some contacts and would go and offer her service whenever it was needed. She said she ‘serviced’ men in Ikoyi, Lekki, Victoria Island and Banana Island. To her, I was an innocent gal who needed to wake up and explore the best for herself.
I was about three months old on my job in Lagos when Tina said she had a deal for me.
‘Two oil barons need the services of two ladies. I’ll take up one of them, why don’t you take up the other guy?’
‘What?’ I was astonished. ‘Never will I be part of such a thing, Tina. No, no, no.’
Tina had laughed off my protests. ‘You’ll earn something big, Simi. Something bigger than your salaries for months.’
I knew Tina earned a lot from the runs. I had been to her two-bedroom flat at Ojodu and was impressed with her expensive clothes, accessories and life style. I knew she lived a ‘high life’, but I could simply not bring myself to doing that.
‘Thanks, but no,’ I said.
She laughed shortly again and brought a twenty dollar bill from her bag. ‘Take this money, buy yourself cold bottle of water and think over what I said.’
Tina would not stop confounding me. ‘Tina, you’re going crazy. How could you give me twenty dollars to buy water?’
But she knew what she was doing. It was a bait. I knew it was, and it was becoming difficult for me to resist.
‘I want good things for you, Simi. Aren’t you tired of the crumbs I’m giving you? Rather than giving you fish, don’t you want to learn how to catch fish by yourself?’
I was thoughtful.
‘This is your chance, Simi. This is a good opportunity to break into the big league. Or do you want to work for Mrs. Shitta forever?’
‘See,’ she went on. ‘I don’t enjoy sex with men, but I pretend I do. I moan and wiggle my body to let them believe they’re the best givers of pleasure on earth, even when they were terribly boring and sickening. And at the end of the day, I make my money. That’s cool, isn’t it?’
I nodded. ‘Yeah, that’s cool.’
She smiled knowingly at me. ‘So, what’re you waiting for?’
I sighed. ‘Okay. I’ll do it this once. Don’t be disappointed if I stop after this.’
She came to kiss me fully on the lips. ‘That’s my baby.’ She sat next to me. ‘We need to plan it. Since the two of us cannot be absent from our place of work at the same time, I’ll go on Friday. You’ll do the work for the whole day, then, you’ll go on Saturday. What d’you think?’
‘It’s a perfect idea,’ I said.
That was the way we hatched our plan. On Friday, I worked from early morning till late night. And as it was, there were so many customers that Friday. I was at least happy that business was good and we were making profits for Comely Hotel. It was about ten o’clock on Saturday morning when Tina came.
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t come early. He didn’t want to release me,’ she said.
I had already dressed up and was set. Tina gave me the address and the contact of who I was to meet. That morning, the man said he would be at the Polo Club in Ikoyi. I took a cab and by eleven, I got to the place. At the large reception hall of the elitist club, I asked to see Damola Koku.
‘What’s the name, please?’ the very courteous lady asked.
‘The name is Simi.’
‘Please, sit down while I contact him.’
‘Thank you.’ I went to sit on one of the well-padded sofas. I waited for only a couple of minutes when the lady beckoned at me. I walked smartly to her. A young guy stood by the desk.
‘He will take you to meet Mr. Koku,’ she informed.
I thanked her and followed the young guy. We went through a passageway to an inner hall that looked like a private club. The guy took me to a man that sat a bit aloof from others.
‘Here is your guest, sir,’ the guy told the important-looking man in jeans and Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
‘Ah, you’re Simi, right?’ the man asked.
‘Yes, sir.’
His face brightened up. ‘You’re welcome. Please, sit down.’
‘Thank you, sir.’ I sat on a chair away from him.
He should be in his early or mid-forties. Dark-skinned, medium height and stocky, he looked successful and confident.   
‘So, what d’you want? Feel at home and relax. I’ve heard that you’re shy, but don’t be shy with me.’
I smiled briefly. Whoever gave that description of me did not do a bad job.
‘Any cool, soft drinks,’ I said.
He nodded and ordered for red wine and barbecue.
‘Tell me about yourself, Simi,’ he prodded.
Really? Did he really care to know about me, or was he saying that to while away time? I smiled and briefly told him about my education and past times.
‘What do you currently do?’
I told him and he nodded.  He seemed to be impressed.
‘Well, let me properly introduce myself too. I’m Damola Koku, Chief Executive Officer of Coccus Oil and Gas. We’re mainly into the marketing of petroleum products. You can call me Mola (he pronounced it like ‘molar’). It’s a pleasure to have you here.’
‘The pleasure is mine,’ I said.
Mola was obviously a well-known person there. Many of those men around hailed him while some came to greet him. It appeared the name Mola would easily win an election in that place.
We took the wine and took the barbecue till I wanted no more. When it was about few minutes to eleven, he said we should leave the place for a place that offered exclusive privacy.
We went in his Mercedes jeep to a hotel at Awolowo Road, Ikoyi. The way he was attended to showed that he was a very known face. He had already booked a suite there. We took the elevator to the third floor. The hotel was much bigger and much grander than Comely Hotel, but everything there reminded me about where I worked.
It was ironic that I, who once berated Tina for agreeing to sleep with a stranger at the suite in Comely Hotel, would be doing the same thing with a stranger in another hotel suite.
 Mola was all smiles as we sat in the living-room of the suite.
‘What d’you say to lunch? What will you have?’
 What else would I have other than my favorite, fried rice and chicken? I smiled. ‘Fried rice and chicken will be okay.’
He smiled and nodded. ‘I’ll rather have pounded yam and egusi soup.’ He picked the intercom and ordered for the room service.
A trolley was used to bring the sumptuous meal. I wasn’t a heavy eater, so the fried rice he ordered for me was much too much for what I could finish. Of course, he ate pounded yam. The taste of my food made me to be proud of Comely Hotel. Though the size and splendor could not be rated on the same level with this one, the food offered here was not better than the food Comely offered.
After the meal, we sat back to watch the telly.
 He flicked the channel of the large screen in the room to a sports station where a live football match was shown.
‘Do you watch football?’ he asked. ‘If yes, what is your favorite club?’
I smiled and shook my head. ‘No, I’m not a fan of football or any club.’
He smiled and nodded. ‘Perhaps, I should not be selfish.’ He handed the remote control to me. ‘Change it to a station of your choice.’
‘That’s considerate of you, Mola. Thanks.’ I promptly changed the station to a fashion channel. Some models were doing some cat-walking.
He smiled again. ‘Just as I expected,’ he said.
He allowed me to watch the station and rest from the food for about twenty minutes before he said we should get down to ‘business.’
I nodded. That was my purpose of being there.
‘Simi, the first thing I want you to do is to stand up and slowly undress yourself.’
I nodded and stood up. I unbuttoned my sleeveless, peach top and removed it. The sexy bra I wore was the one I would have loved to see on a lady that I dated. I unhooked and removed it.
 Mola sat back on the seat, looking at me in fascination.
Next, my black skirt was removed. When my hands went to my white pantie, he made a motion.
‘Wait, Simi.’
I stopped what I was about to do and stared at him.

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