Wednesday 3 April 2019

Thrills of a Lagos Babe (Episode 8)

Pix:   Ebony

‘Come over here.’
I went to him. He held me by the waist and kissed my tummy. I could hear and feel his hot breaths on my mid-section. His touch was like a cold iron on the body, but I smiled like it was the most comforting touch I had ever had.
He placed me on his lap and used his tongue to run over my nipples. I held his head and rubbed it like I was giving a perfect approval to what he was doing. I closed my eyes in an imaginary bliss. Tina had taught me a lot of tricks. It was time I made use of them.
He sucked the nipples for several minutes. Even on his lap, I could feel the hardness of his cock. When he was satisfied with the boobs, he motioned that I should stand up. I did while he unzipped his jeans trousers. He pulled it down and removed his boxer. Mentally, I compared his dick with the last one I saw, which was Daniel’s own. I must say Mola’s own was much smaller.
He used his right hand to hold it and gently moved me to it. It was unspoken but I knew what he wanted. I was about to make a record – do a mouth action on a guy. I found it repulsive and could never have imagined I would do it. Well, sometimes, you find yourself doing something you once held in high contempt.
I felt like I had put a silicone-filled stick in my mouth. It was not exactly describable and the taste was like raw ‘ponmo’ or something. Again, I had to make good use of one of the things Tina had taught me. I ran my tongue on it, spat on it and sucked it in a way I knew would excite him.
I didn’t do that for long. He soon yanked my pantie down and placed me on the sofa.
‘Condom, please,’ I said.
He grunted, reached for one of the pockets of his trousers and brought a pack of the latex out. Quickly, he inserted it on his joy-stick and inserted the dick inside my honey pot. I imagined it was Tina that was doing that and I felt quite good. He began his jerking while I continued to imagine that Tina was in action. In just a couple of minutes, he released. He did not even last half of the time Daniel could go.
He collapsed on the sofa, breathing like somebody who had just finished a four-hundred meter race.
‘Simi, you’re good,’ he said in a raspy voice.
What a compliment! I smiled at him.
I was with him till early hours of the evening, but despite all the prodding I did, he did not have enough strong erection to go for a second round. As a fact, he seemed satisfied with his first and only feat.
‘Give me your account name and number so that I can transfer your money to you,’ he said.
I gave him the account details. Few seconds later, my phone beeped an in-coming message. It was from him and he had just paid fifty-five thousand naira.
‘I’m not paying you for the time we had together,’ he said. ‘I’m giving you that money to buy some things for yourself. I like you, Simi. Consider this as the beginning of a good relationship.’
Hey, don’t bring sentiments into this, my mind said. I however smiled warmly.
‘Thank you, darling Mola.’
He also got my cell phone numbers.
‘I trust you’ll not disappoint anytime I need you,’ he said.
‘No, I’ll not.’
I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Then I came back to wear my clothes. I was ready to go.
‘Let me give you money for transportation,’ he offered.
I smiled. ‘Thanks, Mola.’
He gave me five thousand naira. I thanked him again, kissed him goodbye and left his suite. It was not a bad outing, I decided. I got out of the hotel complex and took a cab at the main road. I got back to Comely Hotel few minutes to eight.
‘Humph, my baby is back,’ Tina said as soon as I entered her office. I was all smiles as I hugged her. Now, I was the one displaying the kind of emotions Titi used to display when I was in Ibadan; I was the one behaving as if I had not seen Tina for a long time.
She kissed me briefly.
‘I hope he didn’t hurt you, baby,’ she said.
I laughed shortly. ‘Oh no, he did not such thing. Rather, I think he tried to be nice.’
Tina beamed in smile. ‘Ah, good to hear that he was caring. Did he gift you a car?’
‘Hey, not so fast! I just knew him, for Christ’s sake.’
I brought out my phone and showed her the text message he sent. ‘See, this is how much he paid into my account.’
She smiled briefly. ‘Not bad. It’s a good beginning.’
‘Yeah. And he paid five k for my transportation.’
‘That’s good of him.’
‘So, how’s is business here?’
‘Not bad,’ she said, ‘except we had to use police to arrest two guys.’
I was surprised. ‘What happened?’
‘Don’t mind them. What started as a little argument over the best football club in Europe soon degenerated into exchange of fisticuffs. Anyway, that one is settled now.’
I sighed. Some men could be so funny. Imagine leaving your home and coming to a bar in a hotel, only to start a fight over the best football club in Europe. Nonsense!

Two days after my first encounter with Mola, he called my line.
‘Hello. Am I on to Simi?’
I had already stored his number on my phone, so I knew who was calling.
‘Hello. Good morning, Mr. Koku.’
‘Good morning, dear Simi. How do you do?’
‘I’m fine, Mola. How ‘bout you?’
‘Fine. Can you meet me at that suite later tonight? Say by eight in the night? Come prepared as you’ll be sleeping overnight.’
‘That will be no problem, Mola. I’ll be there.’
‘That’s good of you. I’ll be expecting.’
He disconnected the line. Some minutes later, I told Tina about his call.
‘Wow, you’re moving up, big time now, Simi baby. Yes, make the best of it.’
I remained at work till six p.m. since I would soon be going out, it meant Tina would have to be around till late in the night. We discussed how to go about it.
‘I’ll sleep in the office,’ she said. ‘If I should go to your apartment, seeing me coming there without you will cause suspicion, so I’ll sleep in the office here.’
My mind went to Mrs. Shitta. If she got to know that I didn’t sleep in the house, she would be curious to know where I slept. Hey, my mind said, I was an adult, for God’s sake. If she asked, or anybody asked, the simple answer would be that I slept in my boyfriend’s house. Was I not old enough to have one?
Then I thought of Tina, too. I would have to give her some money to compensate her for the trouble. She had been a good friend all along. As a matter of fact, I hardly saw her as my boss.
I got to the three-star hotel at Ikoyi at few minutes to eight and went straight to the reception where I asked after Mola.
The reception confirmed if he was expecting a visitor by the name Simi. The answer was in the affirmative. I went to his suite and rapped softly at his door. His face broke into a smile when he saw me.
‘Oh, Simi, come in. I was just wondering if you would not be able to make it.’
‘If I would not come, I would tell you so,’ I pointed out.
He nodded and allowed me inside. He soon ordered for dinner. This time, he too took fried rice and chicken. As usual, the meal was sumptuous.
‘Tell me, you must be a graduate, right?  What did you study?’ he asked as we ate.
‘Pharmacy,’ I replied simply.
He paused briefly. ‘Really?’
I nodded. ‘Yes.’ I chuckled. ‘But I end up as Assistant Business Manager in a hotel.’
He grinned. ‘Are you satisfied with your job?’
What a question! If I was satisfied, would I be coming to see and ‘service’ him? 
‘Let’s just say it’s good enough to provide some basic things, and that’s not totally bad.’
We ate on. The taste was not as good as the last one I ate there, but still good enough for me to eat to my satisfaction.
‘How much do you earn there?’ he asked.
I sighed. Wait, had I come for an interview or what?
I told hm. I told him the truth.
‘That’s not much,’ he said. ‘See, Simi, I like you. I mean you strike me as a very intelligent lady. I want to make a proposal to you. I want you to work for me.’
I stopped my food to stare at him for some seconds. ‘Work for you?’ I asked incredulously.
‘As what?’
He took a bit of the chicken before he answered. ‘As my Personal Assistant.’
I chuckled again. ‘I did not study humanities or secretarial studies,’ I pointed out.
‘It doesn’t matter. All you need is training on the job. With your intelligence, I know you’ll excel.’
I could not help but grin. But where did this his confidence in me come from? We knew each other just some days ago, yet he was ready to vouch for my intelligence. Gosh!
‘The job is still on for now. I want it to be filled as soon as possible, and I’ll like you to take it up. I’ll pay you double of what you earn now.’
Now, this was becoming serious. Double of what I currently earned? That would be fantastic. But how would Mrs. Shitta feel? She was the one that brought me to Lagos and she was not just my employer, she was a good friend of my mother and she was like a mother to me. I had only spent about three months plus in Lagos, would it be right for me to abandon the job and start another one?
Yet, there was expectation in the eyes of Mola. I had to apply wisdom.
‘Give me some time to think over it. I appreciate that confidence you repose in me, but I’m just about four months old on my current job. Let me think over it but I’ll give you my response soonest.’
He stared at me briefly and smiled. ‘Very smart answer,’ he said.
We ate the rest of the food in silence. After the meal, he popped champagne. The taste was very good. Mola symbolized goodness and right now, I relished the moment of goodness with him.
I thought back to the last few weeks I spent in Ibadan, before relocating to Lagos. Events and circumstances had certainly transformed me. I had moved from the simple lady based in Ibadan to Lagos babe. Mummy and Deola would be shocked to see how really I had changed. Even Mrs. Shitta, my Lagos godmother, would be surprised. Well, life was always full of surprises and I was not an exception.   
‘I really had a busy schedule today,’ Mola said. ‘I need a very good body massage. You should be able to give a good massage, right?’
I smiled. ‘That will be no problem.’
He soon stripped himself to his boxer and singlet and lay on his belly on the bed. I tried the massaging, and from his responses, I didn’t do badly. I was surprised that he soon slept off. Shuo! Could a man be so tired that he would ignore sex? I thought all men were forever crazy about sex. Sure, I still had a lot to learn.


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