Wednesday 3 April 2019

Thrills of a Lagos Babe (Episode 6)

Her kiss went on, while her right hand continued to be busy on my boobs. I wasn’t a virgin, but it seemed I was just about to have my first coital experience. I would not just stand there and be impassive. Gingerly, almost tentatively, my right hand went to her left boob. I touched and caressed it. I felt good. By the time her hand went to my private part, I felt I was drifting in the cloud of ecstasy.

By six in the morning, we remained huddled together on the bed. She was the first to wake up and to use the bathroom. Minutes later, she was through. She came to the room with my towel wrapped round her body from the chest to the knees. Memories of what we did in the night came back to me. Tina played the role of the man, while I was the perfect lady. Odd as it was, I found the experience exhilarating.
‘Hello, sweetie,’ she greeted.
‘Hello,’ I answered. I couldn’t bring myself to using an endearment. At least, for now.
She opened the wardrobe.
‘Sorry, I have to wear one of your clothes for today.’
I nodded. ‘It’s okay.’
I went to the bedroom to have a bath. There, I examined my body. I was beautiful, no doubt. Tina told me over and over again during the night how bewitching she found me, and she said it in a way no man had ever done. Gosh!
But then, everything must remain a secret. I would keep on behaving like a ‘normal’ lady and I would have to settle for a man and have children. That was what Bimbola Akorede expected from her daughter; that was what I had to do.  
By the time I came out of the bathroom, Tina was already trying one of my blouses and skirts. The looked quite tight for her. The blouse in particular made her boobs to shoot out. I looked at them and grinned.
‘I hope the clothes are okay for me,’ she said.
I looked at her again critically. They were tight, but they were quite okay.
‘You’re okay,’ I said.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Of course.’
It was Saturday morning and she didn’t have to come to work until afternoon. We had arranged that I would do ‘morning shift’ while she would do afternoon.
She came to give me a quick kiss. ‘I’ll be going to my home now. See you, sweetie.’
‘See you.’
She brought a small perfume from her bag, sprayed it on her body, smiled at me and left. I sighed as she left. Then, I started creaming my body to get ready for work.
I walked smartly from the residential building to the hotel. One of the cleaners was mopping the marble floor of the lobby when I got there.
'Good morning,' she greeted.
'Good morning, Mrs. Bello.'
It was few minutes to eight and the lady that was supposed to be at the reception desk had not resumed. I decided to stay at the desk until she came. She did not come around until many minutes after eight.
'Good morning. Sorry I'm late,' she apologized.
'Good morning,' I answered, nodding understandingly.
I returned and left the place for my office. Being a Saturday, business started picking up in the early hours of the afternoon. Tina was expected to resume for afternoon shift by two o'clock, but few minutes to the time, she had not come. A couple of minutes after two, she called my number.
'Hello, Simi darling.'
'Hello, Tina. How're you?'
'Fine. See, I may be a bit late in coming. I'll explain when I see you.'
'I hope there's no problem,' I quickly said.
'No, no problem. See you, dear.'
I continued with the work, moving from one place to another, ensuring that all went well.
That Saturday, there was an international football match. That, I supposed, was one of the reasons why the bar was filled up on time. It was about three p.m. when Tina finally breezed in. She came to meet me in my office.
'Hello,' she greeted.
'Welcome. How's everything?'
'Fine. Sorry, I was delayed by my guy.'
I became curious. 'Your guy?'
'Yeah. Osas, that's his name. He raved about my absence yesterday night and wanted me to make it up today.'
I suddenly felt jealous. 'So, you were with a guy.'
She looked sharply at me. 'Hello, have you forgotten our agreement? Ours is a secret thing. Go for the guys. The richer and stronger, the better.' She laughed at her own joke. I managed a smile.
'So, how's business?' she asked.
'Fine. Many customers are in the bar already.'
'Good. That is good business.'
By eight in the evening, Tina signaled her intention to leave.
'I'm meeting him again,' she said. 'This Saturday is going to be groovy.'
I wanted to feel jealous again, but I suppressed it. She was right. I should get myself a guy. The fact was I was not very excited about guys. Having sex with them had never been something I enjoyed or looked forward to, and most likely, would never be. After I had ensured that everything was in order, I left the hotel.
The building where I stayed looked very quiet. I used the keys given to me to open the main gate and main door. It was few minutes after eleven but the whole place looked deserted. I wondered if madam was around. I had not seen her since morning. I wondered if Bimpe too was around. I remembered the previous night and the fun I had with Tina. I wished she was around again so we could re-enact the whole act.
I locked the door of my room and removed my clothes, including the undies. In the semi-darkness of the room, I lay back on the bed and had reminiscences. Daniel had not called me since the last time I spoke with him. Just like Tina said, it was high time I forgot about him.
Tina's kissing and hand job came back to my. My right hand went to my private part and caressed the place. I was not doing that for the first time. As a matter of fact, I had always relieved the tension in me by doing this.
Deftly, the fingers rubbed on the clitoris and dipped into the vaginal. I continued to excite the clitoris, the vulva and the hole until I climaxed.

The following day was Sunday and I was the one on duty which was the afternoon duty. I missed the absence of Tina, just as business was all-time low until evening.
Mummy called that evening.
'I hope all is well,' she said.
'Yes, mum. All is well.'
'Maria said you're doing a good job, so far.'
'Oh, that is good.'
'So, keep up the good work.'
'Yes, ma. How's Titi over there?'
'She's fine. She misses you a lot.'
'Oh. Please, send my regards to her.'
After the conversation had ended, I sighed. It was amazing that I had already spent a week and a day in Lagos. Wow!
Tina was early to work on Monday. By the time I entered the hotel at 7.41 a.m., I met her at work.
'Good morning, Miss Kadiri,' I greeted. She was talking to a cleaner and I felt I had to be official.
'Good morning, Miss Akolade,' she returned in the same token.
I sat on one of the visitors' seats and waited. As soon as she finished with the woman, the woman left.
'Good morning, baby,' she greeted, smiling.
'Good morning, Tina.'
'You always look dazzling in your outfits,' she said smiling and standing up. She came to my side and squeezed my left boob.
'Ouch! We're in the office, miss,' I said in protest.
'I know, my darling.'
There was a soft rapping on the door. Tina quickly moved to her seat.
'Yes, come in,' she called out.
The door opened and the head of security came.
'The guy that will connect the CCTV to the computers is here,' he announced.
'Oh, okay, bring him inside.'
The guy was brought in. I took my excuse and went to my office. Events went on routinely for the rest of the morning and afternoon. About four o'clock, we had a very important person as our guest. A man probably in his forty breezed in and ordered for a suite for one week. That made him important.
About an hour after he had come, he asked to see the manager, so Tina went to meet him. After some minutes, Tina came to give me the feedback in my office.
'The man said he wondered if I could help him get a lady for the night,' Tina said.
I was livid. 'What! Did he think this place is a brothel? We offer decent services here, for God's sake.'
Tina grinned. 'He's ready to pay in hard currency.'
'So what? He should not give this place a bad name, please.'
Tina ignored what I said. 'He's ready to pay 100 dollars per night.'   
I stopped short and stared at her. 'Wait a minute, Tina. Don't tell me you're interested in it.'
She grinned again. 'Why not?'
'What?!' I was shocked by her response. 'You don't mean it, Tina. That's prostitution!'
She smiled at me. 'Calm down, baby. It's not prostitution. It's called 'runs', and that's business.'
I smiled ruefully. 'That's prostitution business,' I said. 'No matter any other name you call it.'
She smiled again. 'You don't worry your head. I will handle it.'
'How will you handle it?'
She smiled. 'Baby, don't worry. Just keep cool.'
We continued our work. I noticed that Tina did not close to go home at the normal time she used to.
'It's already ten in the night. Aren't you going home?' I asked.
Once again, she smiled. 'I'm not going home tonight,' she declared. 'I've promised that guest that I'll make myself available.'
'What!' I was shocked again. 'Tina, I can't believe what you're saying.'
'I'll be discrete,' she said. 'Then, of course, he must use condom.'
'Tina, how could you sleep with a stranger? All for money?'
'Yeah, it's for the money. It's also for the thrill of it. Surely, you don't expect that I should allow that kind of opportunity to pass me by. We're talking about almost forty thousand naira, here.'

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