Friday 5 April 2019

Thrills of A Lagos Babe (Episode 11)

Two days later, I got a visitor about noon. It was the man that had booked the conference hall for a seminar. I welcomed him warmly to my office.
‘You want to book for another seminar?’ I prodded.
He smiled. ‘No. I’ve actually come to see you on a personal matter.’
I pointed at a seat for him to sit, wondering what could be the personal matter.
‘I’m all ears,’ I said.
 ‘Yes.’ Unconsciously, he adjusted his black jacket. ‘I’ve come to see you to bare my feelings. I’ve been impressed by your carriage and conduct. I’m impressed by the ways you get things done. I’m really impressed, but it goes beyond just being impressed. I want us to develop a relationship. I want us to be intimate.’
I looked at the fellow and felt like laughing. Honestly, what he was saying sounded so funny to me. But I didn’t laugh. Rather, I looked at him with empathy and tried to smile.
‘I like it when a lady exudes confidence. I like it when her carriage diffuses brilliance and beauty. Let’s be good friends, Miss Simi.’
I knew he was giving me a lot of flattery, but I felt glowing all the same.
‘Thank you for your interest,’ I replied. ‘First and foremost, let me ask: are you not married?’
He grinned. ‘In truthfulness, yes. But the marriage is complicated.’
I raised an eyebrow. ‘How, if I may ask?’
He shrugged. ‘Well, it’s a long story. All I can tell you for now is that it is not the best of relationship a man can have with his spouse.’
I nodded. I wasn’t surprised to hear that. Not all men could have the kind of patience, understanding and maturity my father had in handling the sometimes troublesome wife, Bimbola.
I studied my ‘toaster’ briefly. He should be in his late thirties. That meant his marriage was most likely young. Why could he not put a little bit effort in it and make it work?
I shook my head. ‘I’m sorry, I’m already in a serious relationship,’ I said. It was a lie, but I felt it was a good one.
‘You can’t give me a chance?’ he asked, like somebody asking if he could get on a crowded bus.
I shook my head again. ‘I’m sorry, no.’  
He stood up and grinned sheepishly. ‘Well, I’ll still stand by, Simi, in case you change your mind.’
I knew I would never change my mind, but I didn’t say so. 
It was as if the day was a ‘toasting’ day. Some hours later, a guy that had an affected American tone came to lodge in.
‘I need the best of your rooms,’ he said, grinning at me.
 I told him about the suite and the cost per night.
‘That is it. That’s what I’ll take. How much is that in dollars?’
I shook my head. ‘Sorry, we only accept naira. If you’re short of cash, you can pay through POS or do money transfer.’
He went through his bag and purse. ‘Ah, I have enough cash at least to pay for a night. I must change some dollars to naira soonest.’
He was obviously trying to impress me, but he was making a mistake.
‘Sorry, what’s the name?’ he asked.
‘Wow! That’s the most beautiful name I’ve ever heard. The name is as beautiful as you are.’
I managed to grin, but within me, I hated his smugness.
‘Alright, Simi, be seeing you later. My name is Andy.’ He extended his hands for a handshake.
I asked the receptionist to take him up to his suite, wondering what kind of character he was. After a while, he was back in my office.
‘I’ve got a problem,’ he said.
I looked at him curiously. ‘What kind of problem?’
He smiled. ‘You didn’t even offer me a seat.’
I grinned. ‘Sorry about that. Sit down, please.’
He sat himself like somebody very important.
‘So, what’s the problem?’ I asked.
‘I can’t get you off my mind,’ he said.
I stared at him, my brow creasing into a frown.
‘See, Simi, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and that’s the fact. Since I set my eyes on you several minutes ago, I couldn’t get you out of my thinking. God knows I’ve never felt like that before.’
Wonderful! He must think I was naïve to believe him.
‘Your feeling is most unnatural,’ I said.
‘Yeah, courtesy of your bewitching aura.’
‘Well, I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do to help you,’ I said.
‘But, there’s something you can do,’ he quickly said. ‘Let’s get intimate. That will relieve the burden on my mind.’
‘How do you mean?’
He looked at me strangely. ‘Don’t tell me you don’t get it. Let’s be lovers.’
I was bemused. If this guy thought I would jump at him and his offer, then he was making the mistake of his life.
‘I’m not interested,’ I blurted out.
He smiled. ‘Let me first appreciate the beauty in you,’ he said, smiling and bringing his purse from his right hip pocket. ‘A beautiful one like you deserves good things.’ He removes some dollar bills from the purse. ‘Here, have this. Just buy something with it.’ He dropped the bills on my desk.
‘You better take your money,’ I said. ‘I’ve told you I’m not interested.’
‘No, no. The money is not to buy or secure your interest. The money is just to appreciate the beauty in you.’
Again, I was bemused. The guy was a character.
‘Concerning, the interest I expressed, I’ll give you time to consider it,’ he continued. He smiled widely, stood up, winked at me and left the office.
It was like I had watched a drama. There was nothing one would not see in this Lagos. My eyes went to the bills he dropped on my desk. Slowly, I picked them and stared at them. They were in ten dollar bill denominations. I counted them. One hundred dollars. That was the money Andy or whatever was his name hoped he would use to seduce me.
The money was tempting. With that money, a lady could buy good clothes, hand bags and shoes. There were also many lady’s accessories that could be bought. I imagined what Tina would do in a situation like this. Go for it, girl, she would likely say. Explore the best. That’s what smart ladies would do with guys.
My hands felt the dollars. What if the money was not genuine? What if the bills were counterfeit? I suddenly shrugged. Counterfeit or not, my mind said no to his advances. There was something about my mind. Whenever it was vehement about a matter, it usually turned out that the mind was right.
About ten in the night, I was preparing to call it a day and retire to my residence when Andy came to my office again.
‘Hello, dear,’ he greeted.
Who was his ‘dear’? When did that one start?
‘Hello,’ I managed to say.
‘So, are you coming over to my suite tonight? Are you going to allow me to treat you nicely as you deserve?’

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