Friday 5 April 2019

Countries With Men Less Romantic

Culled from

Dublin--Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show that special someone how you feel, but it appears not everyone across the world is opening their wallets wide when it comes to gift-giving.

Karus Chains, a Dublin-based e-commerce company that sells men’s jewelry, recently did some research into the number of online searches for the most popular gifts in the three weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day.

The company used the location tool on Google’s forecast planner to analyze more than 11 million searches across 110 countries for “flowers,” “lingerie” and “jewelry” during the time period.

They then narrowed the list down to the top five countries in each category, calculating ranks by dividing the number of impressions by the population of each country.

Karus also looked into the money-saving habits of the participating countries, researching the results of “cheap flowers,” “cheap lingerie” and “cheap jewelry” searches.

So, how did the United States fare?

It appeared on the top-five countries lists for “cheap jewelry,” “cheap lingerie” and “cheap flowers,” but on a more positive note, it also appeared on the top-five list for “jewelry” searches, marking it as one of the most romantic countries.

The United Kingdom, meanwhile, topped all three lists for highest number of searches for “cheap jewelry,” “cheap flowers” and “cheap lingerie.”

And yet the country isn’t without its romantics; it also takes the top spot for the number of searches for “jewelry” and “flowers” during the three weeks, making it the most romantic of all countries involved, according to Karus.

Canada also appeared on all three “cheap” lists, but the romance isn’t gone in the country, according to its searches, as it also made appearances on the regular “jewelry,” “lingerie” and “flowers” lists.

Singapore is featured twice, coming in second place in searches for “flowers” and in third place in searches for “jewelry,” making it one of the most romantic countries, as are Australia, Canada and Ireland.

New Zealand, meanwhile, came in second for searches for “cheap jewelry” and “cheap flowers,” while Australia also had appearances on all three “cheap” search lists.

Here are a few of the the lists Karus Chains made as pertaining to searches.

Top 5 Countries by Search for “Jewelry”
1. United Kingdom
2. United States
3. Singapore
4. Australia
5. Canada

Top 5 Countries by Search for “Flowers”
1. United Kingdom
2. Singapore
3. New Zealand
4. Ireland
5. Canada

Top 5 Countries by Search for “Cheap Jewelry”
1. United Kingdom
2. New Zealand

3. Australia
4. Canada
5. United States

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