Wednesday 3 April 2019

Thrills of a Lagos Babe (Episode 10)

Pix: Unsplash

‘Oh, you’re such a darling,’ I said.
Few minutes to nine, the reception lady called to inform me that a man by the name Manu was waiting to see me.
‘Let him wait,’ I said. I tidied up some things and got ready. The ride to Ikoyi was smooth. I sat at the rear right seat of the Prado jeep. I must say I was impressed by the presidential treatment Mola was giving me. I honestly wished more of such would come.
It was few minutes past ten when I stepped inside Mola’s suite. From the way he smiled expansively, he was glad to see me.
‘What will you like to eat, dear?’ he asked.
I had eaten about seven p.m., so I wasn’t hungry.
‘I’m okay. I ate just some hours ago.’
‘What about chicken? Will you like to take just fried chicken?’
Gosh, this man was trying to be nice. I smiled. I didn’t really want anything, but maybe taking some chicken was not a bad idea.
‘Okay,’ I said, the smile still on my face.
She placed me on his laps.
‘How’s my friend doing at work?’ I asked.
‘Not bad, so far. But I wish you were my P.A.’
Wonderful, I thought. I must have got a wonderful aura.
‘Tina is good,’ I pointed out. ‘She’s hard-working and dedicated.’
He grunted. I wondered why he was particular about me being his P.A. There was a soft rapping on the door. I went to open it. The room service had come with his order. The food was brought in a large tray. Mola asked that the tray be put on he center, glass table and tipped the guy.
‘Thank you, sir,’ the beneficiary said and left.
We ate in silence. I had to force myself to have the appetite and to munch the chicken.
After the meal, he allowed some minutes of rest before the passionate action began. In what was becoming a normal trend, he did it only once and collapsed on the bed.
The following morning, I woke up at five to start preparing for work. I was dressing up when he opened his eyes.
‘Hello, love,’ he greeted.
‘Good morning, darling’, I answered.
Unlike me, he had no fixed time to go or get to work.
‘I’ll not be paying you anytime we meet like this again,’ he said.
I was surprised. Did that mean I had offered free service?
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
 ‘What I mean is I don’t like the pattern. It means I’m paying for sex.’
I kept quiet, wondering what exactly he had in mind.
‘For, example, I’m not going to pay you anything this morning.’
I raised an eyebrow. ‘Really?’
‘Yes.’ He suddenly smiled. ‘But from time to time, even if you don’t expect it, you’ll be compensated and taken care of.’
I still kept quiet. He smiled. He stood up from the bed and opened his business case by the bed-side. From there, he brought a car key out.
‘There’s a car at the parking space downstairs. It’s a metallic Toyota Corolla. It’s yours.’
‘What!’ I was too surprised to say more.
He brought a big, brown envelope. ‘Here, all the car documents are here. By the way, can you drive?’
Yes, I could drive, but only a bit. Besides, driving in Ibadan was very different from driving in Lagos. ‘Only a bit,’ I answered.
He nodded. ‘I’ll give you money for cab when you’re leaving, but Manu will bring the car to you. He’ll do that this morning.’
I was joyous. I didn’t know when I threw my hands round his neck and kissed him.
‘Oh, thank you so much,’ I gushed. ‘Thank you for your generosity.’
That was the payment I got that morning. It was a payment that probably covered many days of ‘service’, but then, I knew he was not exactly paying for any service. He was just trying to be good. He brought out a wad of money and counted out twenty thousand naira.
‘Take,’ he said.
I expressed surprise as I took the money. ‘All this to pay for a cab?’
He smiled easily. ‘No. Use the rest to fuel the car.’
That was another wonderful thing from him. I gave him another hug.
I was happy when I returned to Berger. Mola was indeed making me to be a ‘big babe.’ Then, something struck my mind. How would I explain the car to Mrs. Shitta? I shrugged. I would tell her it was a gift from … A gift from whom? My man friend? My boy friend? 
Again I shrugged. I was not a kid, for God’s sake!
I got to the hotel and resumed duty without delay. By mid-day, Manu brought the car and came to hand over the envelope containing the particulars and other documents.
But there was another little surprise.
‘Inside the boot of the car is a twenty-five liter keg containing petrol,’ Manu said.
Now, that was very generous of Mola, having given me the money for fuel already. I followed Manu to the car park to inspect the car. It was brand new. Mola had done very well.
I gave Manu two thousand naira notes.
‘Use this to transport yourself back,’ I said.
He too was surprised. Well, I guessed it was a day of many surprises. Indeed, it was. After Manu had gone, I went to see Mrs. Shitta in her office. I certainly had some things to let her know.
‘Good afternoon, ma,’ I greeted.
‘Ah, good afternoon, Simi. I was about to send for you. Sit down.’
I took a seat. ‘Thank you, ma.’
‘I’ve been observing you since morning,’ she said. ‘I realized that I made a mistake.’
I was all curious. ‘What mistake was that, ma?’
‘I shouldn’t have said I would observe you for some time before you were confirmed as the substantive Manager. Now, I know that you really merit to manage this place. That means from the end of the next month, you’ll be earning what she was earning.’
‘Ah, thank you, ma,’ I said. ‘Thank you for the confidence you have in me.’
‘Keep up the good work, Simi. You’re true daughter of Bimbola. She always does things with dedication. She told me your father was like that.’
I smiled wanly. ‘Thank you, ma. I was actually coming to see you for something.’
‘What’s that?’
‘There’s a Toyota Corolla in the car park. It’s a gift from a friend to me.’
‘Really?’ Her surprise was total. ‘You mean you already have a friend in this Lagos that could be so generous?’
I smiled and nodded. ‘Well, I must say that I too was surprised he was that very generous.’
She suddenly smiled warmly. ‘Well, I told you, didn’t I? I told you that the guys in Lagos are much smarter. So, what are the two of you waiting for? When are you doing the wedding?’
I nearly burst out in laughter. Wedding?
‘Er, well, we’re still watching to see how things work out,’ I said.
‘Nothing to watch again,’ she said sharply. ‘That’s your man, Simi. That’s your husband.’
Again, I felt like laughing. If only Mrs. Shitta would understand.
‘Well, thank you, ma,’ I said and stood up. ‘Thank you very much.’
Towards evening, I decided to call Tina and let her know about Mola’s gift. After all, she was the one that first connected me to him.
‘Mola bought me a Toyota Corolla,’ I informed.  
‘Wow! You don’t mean it!’
‘I mean it,’ I said. ‘Right now, the car is at the parking space of Comely Hotel.’
‘Wonderful. Simi, baby, you are the one!’
I giggled. ‘The car is for us, Tina.’
‘Oh, baby. You’re so good. I wish we live in the U.S.A. I will marry you. Honestly, I need somebody with a golden heart like you.’
‘Well, sorry, Tina, we don’t live in America.’
‘Ah, yes. Quite unfortunate. Anyway, I’ll be coming over tonight, dear. Then, we’ll ‘wash’ your new car.’
‘Okay. You will highly be welcomed.’
She came in about eight p.m., and we left for me place together. I already had a bottle of champagne and some laps of fried chicken in my bag.
We popped the champagne and took the chicken. It was one great moment of friendship and companionship. Tina slept overnight but had to wake up by five to prepare for work.
‘One of the disadvantages of this new job,’ Tina said, ‘is that I have to wake up early and prepare for work. I have to do that if I must get to the Ikoyi office on time.’
I nodded. ‘But, then, you’re compensated for it.’
She nodded. ‘Yeah. I guess I should stop complaining.’
She soon left for her place of work. I remained in bed till six-thirty before I got up to brush my teeth and take my bath. Later that morning, a firm that booked our conference center for a seminar started a three-day seminar in the hotel. During their lunch break, the head of the consortium came to my office. He was the one that had come to make the booking of the venue.
‘Good afternoon,’ he said.
‘Good afternoon, sir,’ I motioned him to a seat. ‘How may I help you?’
He sat down importantly. ‘Although this is the first of our three days, I’ve come to commend the facilities and quality of service in this place,’ he said. ‘You guys are doing a great work and I want you to keep it up.’
‘Ah, thank you, sir,’ I replied. ‘Thanks for your commendations.’
‘Can I have your number?’ he asked. ‘There are many friends I can recommend this place to.’
‘That will be very good o you, sir.’ I gave him my complimentary card.
He looked at it and smiled. ‘Simi Akolade. It’s a beautiful name.’
I forced a smile. ‘Thank you.’
He pocketed the card, stood up and left my office. About an hour later, Mrs. Shitta sent for me.
‘I’ll be traveling to London next week,’ she said as soon as I stepped inside her office.
‘Yes, ma.’
‘I’ll be away for about three weeks. I trust that you will handle this place very well.’
I smiled and nodded. ‘I will put in my best, ma.’
She smiled too. ‘Yes, I expect nothing less. Ensure everything goes well.’
‘Yes, ma. I wish you a very safe trip, ma.’
‘Thank you. I’ll be calling frequently to know how things are going on. By the way, are you now using Tina’s former office?’
‘No, ma.’
‘I want you to move there. That’s your new office. I’ll give you my London contact numbers before I leave.’
‘Yes, ma. God will take you there safely and bring you back safely, ma.’
‘Ah, thank you.’
I left her office and moved my things to the office formerly used by Tina. I thought over madam’s imminent travel. That would mean some freedom for me to operate without inhibitions for weeks. Wow!
Two days later, I got a visitor about noon. It was the man that had booked the conference hall for a seminar. I welcomed him warmly to my office.
‘You want to book for another seminar?’ I prodded.
He smiled. ‘No. I’ve actually come to see you on a personal matter.’
I pointed at a seat for him to sit, wondering what could be the personal matter.
‘I’m all ears,’ I said.


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