Sunday 28 April 2019

Practical Ways To Last Longer In Bed

1. Foreplay
Sex is more than simply penetration. Foreplay can greatly increase the sexual experience in terms of both time and pleasure.
2. Behavioural Techniques
Try the ‘squeeze technique’ (squeeze the penis tip near climax to prevent ejaculation), and the stop-start technique (reduce simulation when nearing climax).
Squeezing the penis when you feel like you about to ejaculate, will reduce your impulse to do so.
With time you should be able to recognize the impulse and be able to build control with squeezing.
How to do the squeeze:
Moments before you think you are going to ejaculate, yourself or your partner squeezes the head of your penis.
You can place your thumb either under or above the penis.
Maintain the squeeze for 10 to 20 seconds until you feel your impulse to ejaculate pass.
After you release the squeeze, wait for around 30 seconds, before returning to stimulation.
You may find that your penis becomes less erect during this period – this is normal.
For optimal results, this process is carried out several times before ejaculation is allowed to occur.
You can also practice the technique while masturbating.
3. Mental Distraction
An old classic. During sex focus on your attention on something deeply unerotic such as multiplication tables.
This can reduce the enjoyment of the act itself but is often effective in delaying ejaculation.
4. Slow Down
Generally, the faster the man has sex, the quicker he ejaculates. Rapid, hard thrusts result in a faster climax.
A slower, more measured technique means the penis tip is less stimulated and ejaculation delayed. It also allows for greater control over ejaculation.
PLEASURE: Foreplay can make the whole process last longer and increase everyone's satisfacti...
5. Masturbate
Masturbation is perfectly healthy and natural and doing it regularly can help build up your stamina and thus enable you to last longer during sex.
You can also practice behavioural techniques while masturbating so you are more comfortable using them during sex.
6. Condoms
Condoms decrease sensitivity and therefore usually increase the time taken to ejaculate.
They also have the added bonus of preventing sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancies.
7. Communication
Make sure you let your partner know what works for you and what doesn’t.
An open attitude towards sex should also relax you more and lessen the nerves that cause a swift ejaculation.
If you continue to experience problems there are treatments and counselling available.
Men who regularly experience premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction may find treatment is the best option.

HOLD UP: Teach yourself to hold back using the squeeze technique
Treatment for Premature Ejaculation
For some men, premature ejaculation is a recurring problem and treatment may be necessary. 
One option is Priligy – a prescription tablet which delays the chemical reactions that cause ejaculation. Taken orally, it has been shown to be very effective.
EMLA, a cream applied to the penis to desensitise nerve endings which are part of the ejaculation process, is another option. 
Although unlicensed as treatment for PE, EMLA is commonly prescribed and used with much success.
Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
A number of prescription treatments are available for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra, as well as Cialis, Spedra, Levitra and Sildenafil.
Essentially they all help you gain and maintain an erection by increasing blood flow to your penis; helping you last longer in bed.
Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are often psychological. Counseling allows you to address the underlying issue.
The counseling can be combined with a medical regime that addresses the problem in the short-term. Once the counseling has resolved the issue, medical treatment can be ceased.

1 comment:

  1. This is good for me this is a good post you give a piece of great information, Ways to Last Longer in Bed


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